Monday, January 23, 2006


Forget logging on the weekends. We don't do anything much, except reading.

Today J had an appointment with an allergist and tomorrow we are starting some new drugs. Very interesting conversations, especially learning that J gets chest pain and an acid taste in his mouth sometimes. Reflux!? Could be. So the next few days could be interesting as we get adjusted to new meds. We have a boatload!

Continued with Matthew 5, on anger today. Very timely as J has had so many problems lately in this way.

Both kids got their library cards yesterday! It was out of desperation as we had 11 books on hold, a huge pile to take out, and almost up to our limit on my card. The prospect of having 300 library books in this house is frightening. E is very excited and has already placed some requests.

I am almost finished with Daughter of Time. We are progressing on The Garden Behind the Moon but it is starting to creep me out now so I may drop it. Also reading Fine Print, Joann Johansen Burch, about Gutenberg. We are finally to the Renaissance!

Keeping up my daily Bible reading, mostly. Am a little behind on Exodus but if I stop wasting time this afternoon I can catch up tonight. But of course I am not reading the Matthew passages listed in the TT for the Bible-in-a-year reading since I am reading that with the kids.

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