Those daily updates don't work so well, do they...
Well, we are progressing. Up to lesson 10 in MUS, moving along in Bible, Catechism, cursive, Little Pilgrim's Progress, etc. Enjoying some good history with Madeleine Takes Command, and some good science with Along Came Galileo (this is a reread). E is crafting up a storm. J has been working in his "complete-a-sketch" and legoing like crazy. Reading the first Hornblower novel - it seems to be slow-going but he says he's enjoying it. Listening to a Henty Civil War cd today.
Lots of outside action on these nice days. We've discovered new places in the woods, and a new climbing tree down the hill. PE continues; E is starting a gymnastics class tomorrow.
Kids have been rereading some of their old favorite picture books. I don't think I have caught them all in our list.
My own reading: Still pretty pitiful, but I did finish a book: Celebrating the Sabbath by Bruce A. Ray. Hey, it's a start.