Sunday, December 03, 2006

11/15 - 12/3

I don't know why it always amazes me when I check in here and find I haven't logged any work for a few weeks.

Maybe that's because we don't do any work.

No, not true. Close, sometimes.

Bible - we are continuing to read a psalm a day, and are now on the book of Isaiah. I just read a chapter, or part of a chapter, and we discuss it, and off we go. Isaiah is perfect for this time of year because of the prophecies. Is it ok to be proud that when we read Isaiah 6 and the kids break into the song "Sanctus," or when we read ch. 9 they can't help but start singing "For unto us a child is born..." Reminds me that last year I saw a unit study on Messiah. Time to find that, or at least put on the cd.

Catechism - we are on q. 31 but are taking a week review and then having a treat at the end of the week if on Friday they can recite all 31 for Dad. No problem for J. E... we'll see.

Writing - had a bit of a breakthrough with J. He is working on a story which he had been dictating to me. I was tired of sitting here typing while he thought up what to say (and the story stinks, but that's beside the point), so I told him he had to start writing it himself. He moaned and complained but finally we agreed that I would stay close to help with spelling. He did great, enjoyed it, and has been writing a little more ever since. Both kids are still working on cursive and copywork.

Reading - everyone is reading fine; I suspect J is at grade level, maybe a little lower, and E is at or above.

Math - still struggling. We are almost done with MUS Alpha - only 2 tests and the unit on time. Then no workbook math till January. We should be finished this week. I have to let the math facts go and have faith they will get it someday.

Grammar - continuing with Daily Grams and doing well. I can tell by the test prep exercises they do that they are getting it.

Spelling - I give E a test now and then, but she can spell most anything. J gets a list of words to copy.

Latin - On lesson 9, still enjoying it.

History - progressing through SOTW.

Science - progressing ever so slowly through BF History of Science. J still unschooling in that area.

Phyical activities - J continues with PE and swimming; E is taking a break from swimming but is continuing gymnastics dance, and wants me to find a real gymnastics class for her. Very happy about that. The dance is OK but the music isn't to my taste, particularly. Too hip-hoppy.

Starting the next Ransome novel, Secret Water. C is reading A Christmas Carol to them at night (just started). Also reading a book about various wonders of the world (name and author escape me but I'll catch it up later). So lots of learning/reading/exploring the world going on...

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