Saturday, March 14, 2009

Poor disillusioned boy

Last week I was flipping through a magazine I'd picked up from the library, as I often do. It was about a year old. I stopped at an article about blogs, with a few lists of the best blogs on various subjects: fashion, celeb gossip, news, food...

My boy asked if there was a top ten blogs list. There wasn't, but I asked him why he wanted to know. He doesn't read blogs, unless there's one on He replied in a puzzled voice: "because yours would be on it."

Poor kid. He didn't understand why I was laughing so hard I was falling off the chair. He looked at his Dad, who was convulsing in laughter too.

We had to tell him the hard truth: my blog is not in the top 10. Not in the top ten thousand. Maybe even the top ten million.

We told him that there are blogs that get hundreds of thousands of readers every day. I get... some.

He was astonished. Poor boy. Another disillusionment in his young life. It reminded me of the day, so many years ago, when he learned his Dad did not drive a dump truck for work. He brightened up at hearing that his Daddy was an engineer, till we clarified that his work did not involve trains...


DADvocate said...

Being among the most read doesn't necessarily mean a blog is among the best written. You've got to be in some sort of top ten. I always enjoy reading your insights into every day life.

Marbel said...

DADvocate, you are too kind.

Still, good thing I'm not in it for the money!