Friday, February 04, 2011

Can I get organized in 52 weeks?

Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie has started a new blog series:  52 Weeks of Organizing.  She's encouraging her readers to make a list of project to complete this year, and share their stories. As usual I am late to the party and am starting on week 5, wherein she asks:

Last year I had started documenting my efforts to clean up the house, and keep it clean, but I got a little bored with that process - the documentation, not the trying to clean and organize.  But maybe I'll start again because the documenting does help with motivation. 

There are so many reasons to get organized.  I can't think of which one is most important.  Is it the time lost looking for things?  Is it the money spent unnecessarily re-buying something that I misplaced? Is it because we might move this summer after the seminarian graduates?  Or is it because I would like my kids not to live in chaos now and pass on the chaos-living to their own families?  

Well, all of them.  

This week I am going to concentrate on my sewing supplies.  I have three large bins full of fabric, patterns, notion and such.  Earlier this week I had to dump one out so I could use the bin for a more urgent purpose: storing birdseed. We had this big bag of birdseed in the laundry room and discovered a hole and other evidence of a critter.  Better storage was needed, quickly.

Rather than go out and buy a new bin I want to organize the fabric, get rid of stuff we're never going to use, and maybe do some sewing to reduce the stash.  Should be a nice project.

You can join in the 52 Weeks of Organizing at I'm an Organizing Junkie. Hurry, there's only 48 weeks left!


Anonymous said...

If I get organized I could free up my mind. Dealing with the disorganization is a distraction.

Kim said...

I've spent the last year getting organized. I'm halfway there. Closets and drawers look FABULOUS. I don't feel burdened by clutter. The half that's not done? I don't feel organized. It hasn't reached my inner being yet. Because now that I'm largely organized I need to develop the habit of being organized. Perhaps this 52 week plan will help do that. Go for it Sister!

Leslie said...

I am a pretty much a natural organizer, but two areas that are real organizational buggaboos for me are recipe storage/filing and blank (or should I say semi-blank) journals. These are both on my list to at least LOOK at this next week.

Anonymous said...

I find the accountability really helpful. I am on my way and you will be too!

Sarah Nello said...

I'm new this week too. I wish i'd found the plan sooner! Good luck to you!


Roan said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I love visitors!
You are going to do great with the 52 week challenge! I just started this week too, but I had been making a list on my own for over a month now. My daughter and I cleaned my kitchen refrigerator last night, so I can cross that off!
Great idea to sew to get rid of some of the sewing supplies. I recently organized my daughters' sewing room. Much better!
Have a great day!

They call me Natacha said...

I am so glad that I am not the only one jumping in at week 5 :)Sounds like a wonderful plan to organize your sewing supplies! Can't wait to read how it went! Keep up the good work, and thanks for commenting on my blog!