Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Carnival of homeschooling

The Carnival of Homeschooling is up at Under the Golden Apple Tree, a new blog for me.   I haven't had a chance to check out the posts yet; I'll be going over in a little while.  I love the simplicity of the carnival this time.  I know the carnival hosts put a lot of effort into creating themes and adding photos and other extras to the carnival. I appreciate that, but I had been wondering lately about that trend.  I wouldn't have the time or ability to put such a carnival together!  So I'm happy to see a simple, straightforward carnival full of good reading.


Richele McFarlin said...

Thank you for participating in and visiting the carnival. I was happy to host this time. Thank you for the shout out about simplicity. I have often not accepted or offered to host a carnival because of the time involved along with so many other responsibilities. So, I decided to just put out the posts and let it speak for itself. I worried it would not be "good enough" on one hand but also hoped it would be a breath of fresh air for others.

Birdie said...

Thanks bunches for the reminder! I like things simple,too. Homeschooling can get complicated enough at times. ;)