Thursday, September 05, 2013

Another reason to love homeschooling high school

Reading Canto V of The Inferno to my kids, with Tchaikovsky's Francesca da Rimini for the soundtrack. 

And check out these illustrations from a 14th century manuscript. They are copyright protected which is why you can't see them here.  

I've been waiting to share Dante with my kids for a long time.  Rather than just hand the book off to them to go through alone, I'm reading it aloud.  We spend a good bit of time talking about it.  I suppose I should make them do some sort of writing on it, or at least give them a quiz.   Talk of putting a grade on "work" like this requires another post, another time. For now...

This is what makes my homeschooling heart sing.


G said...

We may be reading that in another few years! would like to share that book with my children. I think for now, the reading and discussion is probably sufficient, but that's just my humble opinion!

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I'm creating a blogroll of blogs that blog (at least occasionally) about homeschooling high school. ( I came across yours today and would LOVE to add it. If you would consider this, could you email me? Thanks in advance! Blessings...
