Tuesday, March 07, 2006

through March 7

Yes, time does fly. We started the science textbook on 2/22 and here we are just on chapter 3. We are reading a lot of science books on the elements, though, from "A True Book" series which are interesting. And doing experiments, though never enough. And because the writing is such a struggle, we don't do any writeups. I know the kids, and J especially, are getting a lot out of it, and he is remembering it, but I would like to produce something!

History - age of exploration, and the Elizabethan age, are so interesting that is not difficult at all. The kids enjoy the History Pocket projects and are happy to work on those. I bought another of them, on American Indians, or Native Americans. There is also one on Colonial America that I want to order.

The kids are doing better with their reading but only E is doing much on her own. J went through a spell of doing a lot but now seems to have slowed down some. Maybe it's temporary. Next week we are going to start going through Charlotte's Web with the study guide.

J works on the Spectrum 3rd grade test prep and does great on the language parts, but can't do the math at all. He freaks out over a 4-digit addition problem even if the math itself is easy (ie. no carrrying). He still doesn't get it that he can't subtract a large number from a smaller one. (We are not anywhere near to working with negative numbers and I despair of us ever doing so.)

Behavior is still a problem. He just whacked E on the leg for no reason. The solution he proposes is for her to whack him back. This is perhaps the most frustrating part of all.

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