Wednesday, December 29, 2010

5th Anniversary Carnival of Homeschooling coming up

Henry Cate at Why Homeschool posted an alert that the Carnival of  Homeschooling will mark its 5-year anniversary with next week's edition.  He is encouraging all homeschooling bloggers to submit a post. 

Seems like I go through cycles with the Carnival.  I'll submit a lot of posts, then run out of things to say.  So I stop submitting posts but will still go read it.  Then, suddenly it seems I stop that too.  Then, I get interested again.

At one time I think I set myself a goal to post in the Carnival every week.  Or maybe once a month.  If I don't even remember the goal, you can be sure I didn't accomplish it.  But no matter; I'm going to try to come up with something for the anniversary edition.  And you should too.

1 comment:

Kerri said...

I just stopped by to say "hi". I'm sorry I missed your Thanksgiving wishes, I have that love/hate thing with the internet... But I hope you guys are all doing great, staying warm, and enjoyed the holidays. :)