Monday, January 02, 2012

One word for your year?

A few of the bloggers I read are talking about choosing a word for the year.  One word to describe the year they are planning to have.

Amber's is transformationKristen's is faith.

There are others I can't remember now.

I chose a verse for the year, but not a word.  Psalm 46:10:

 "Be still, and know that I am God.
   I will be exalted among the nations,
   I will be exalted in the earth!” 

This verse is important to me because this year has the potential for a lot of worry.  (What year doesn't?)  

My word of the year could be "still."  But... I'm still thinking about it.  "Faith" would work too.  "Be not afraid" is a short enough phrase that it could be one word.  I'll see what I come up with.

Do you choose a word to signify your year?  Tell me about it.

Here are some more I found:

Janene's is go.

Margi has two:  Simplify and Sanctify.


Janene said...

Thanks for visiting! I LOVE your verse--I recite that often as I'm in a state of transition right now as I decide between quitting my part time job and all that comes along with that. . .Being still is not something I'm good at, so I'll GO out and do what He's calling me to do, no matter how difficult it might be!! Happy New Year!

G said...

Mine is "organization". Without organization, I'm having issues keeping up on everything!