Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Carnival of Homeschooling is up!

At Topsy Techie, a new blog to me. This edition seems to be high on thought-provoking posts.

"The Value of Lazy" at Life Without School is still percolating around my brain - do I agree or disagree? Not sure yet.

Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers talks about The Social Impact of Educational Choices. How will the educational choices I make for my kids now affect them as adults?

Corn and Oil considers the story of a homeschooling family seeking a simplified life. Hmm, not sure what I think about this, either.

Lots of other good reading at the carnival!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Margaret, I wasn't sure how I felt about taking food stamps during this transition for the family. I don't think I would have, but at the same time, I'm not them.

It seems like they're very involved and contributing to the community. I suspect they have paid back their government funding with their times and efforts. They just didn't do it per government orders. Maybe their different path of 'payback' is what seems so foreign?
It wasn't an officially sanctioned return of funding, but yet they seem to be active and well involved in the community.
And Sandy, I'm right there with you about my former Senator/current President's intentions for us downtrodden "needy" rural folks. We are so 'clingy' that I thought our farm family was doing fine.
Thanks for blogging my post, Margaret. I'm still thinking about it too.