Sunday, April 05, 2009

Stupid clock

When I woke up this morning I was stunned to see how late it was. I don't usually sleep past 7, and here it was 7:30. In order to get to church on time without leaving all the breakfast dishes in a mess before running out the door, we need to be up and preparing by 7:30. But I was so, so tired...

At 7:45 I badgered the equally exhausted seminarian to get up. I tried not to be too snippy. But there is a lot to do today.

I stumbled to the kitchen, let the dog out, and chopped up some apples to cook. Put the bacon in the oven. It was about 8 by now, so the timing was perfect. I started preparing the food I need to take to church today. I felt a flash of irritation at hearing the shower starting up. Tut tut, breakfast is going to be late (he makes the pancakes)...

A few minutes later I looked at the clock on the oven: 7:10. Huh? No, it should be 8:10, right? I got really confused. Wow, what a mistake! How did I think I woke up at 7:30 when it was only 6:30? Did I read the clock wrong? Or did I miscalculate the amount of time we needed? How would I do that? (We've been doing this for a long time.) Or maybe I'm losing my mind... I always knew it would happen, but I didn't think it would be this soon...

I went to apologize to the seminarian for forcing him awake so early. I expressed my regrets and my confusion. Then I looked at his clock: 7:30. I looked at mine: 8:30.

Aaahhh! Sweet understanding!

My clock is programmed to change automatically when daylight savings time starts and ends. But since my clock was manufactured, those times have been changed. My clock sprang forward this morning! Causing me to spring out of bed way too early.

At least we'll have time for a leisurely breakfast and dishwashing this Sunday morning.

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