Friday, January 27, 2006

1/24 - 1/27

Have been doing pretty well on reading each day, along with keeping up the checklists. As usual we fall short on science. I don't understand why as the kids love experiments. But we never, or rarely, seem to get to them.

Lots of discussions about the Reformation as that's our time in history now. We read about Katherine von Bora (M. Luther's wife) in Heroes of God by Katie and Dan Montgomery. Also read about Michelangelo (M. Venezia) and Leonardo Da Vinci - J read M. Venezia's book on him. J is very excited to start studying LdV, as there is a box of "stuff" related to him waiting for us to get to him in history. Well, we are there. We also read a story about him in the Montgomery book.

In science I plan to continue using the "True Book" series and Usborne to learn about the elements, and Usborne to learn about compounds and mixtures. I do want to do more experiments.

Reading is going pretty well. Still struggling with writing. I do want to start some sort of creative writing activities but am at a loss of how to implement with my reluctant writers.

Today (1/27) - Mozart's birthday. We didn't do much as we went to the A. C. Gilbert Discovery Village in Salem. Listened to the radio broadcast of a concert in Salzburg, and heard the bells ringing at the moment of M's birth - every church in Salzburg! Rather thrilling. We have a book or two and a cd or two that I hope to get to tomorrow.

Monday, January 23, 2006


Forget logging on the weekends. We don't do anything much, except reading.

Today J had an appointment with an allergist and tomorrow we are starting some new drugs. Very interesting conversations, especially learning that J gets chest pain and an acid taste in his mouth sometimes. Reflux!? Could be. So the next few days could be interesting as we get adjusted to new meds. We have a boatload!

Continued with Matthew 5, on anger today. Very timely as J has had so many problems lately in this way.

Both kids got their library cards yesterday! It was out of desperation as we had 11 books on hold, a huge pile to take out, and almost up to our limit on my card. The prospect of having 300 library books in this house is frightening. E is very excited and has already placed some requests.

I am almost finished with Daughter of Time. We are progressing on The Garden Behind the Moon but it is starting to creep me out now so I may drop it. Also reading Fine Print, Joann Johansen Burch, about Gutenberg. We are finally to the Renaissance!

Keeping up my daily Bible reading, mostly. Am a little behind on Exodus but if I stop wasting time this afternoon I can catch up tonight. But of course I am not reading the Matthew passages listed in the TT for the Bible-in-a-year reading since I am reading that with the kids.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

1/17 - 1/19

Very pleased with our Bible reading - the kids are actually eager to read each day. Of course now they sometimes argue over who got to read more. Arrgghhh. J as always gets a lot out of the Bible but the application is still not there. Tomorrow we start the Mat 5 section on anger. We'll have to take that one very slowly...

Today we finished The Monk Who Shook The World by Cyril Davey. They loved it, of course. Moved on in SOTW to read about Henry VIII. I don't plan to spend much time on him as the kids know enough for their ages. They are excited about getting to the Renaissance and Leonardo etc.

I'm pretty satisfied with our checklist system. Today we made another adjustment and moved the Bible reading to the very first thing. I think that helped, though before we were finished E started complaining of hunger. So we didn't do our prayer checklist, which should not slip either. And when it was time to write up the science experiment, J lost it because it was too much writing. So I am not sure what to do about that. They did a spelling test today which, to him, is a ton of writing. 25 whole words. Oh my! The horror. It didn't help that I packed up all the science library books in my own little fit. I didn't get angry, but it seems a waste to do the experiments etc if the kids don't care that much.

My own reading continues to suffer badly. Tonight I was going to start working on Sarah's bunting, since tomorrow is her birthday, but another late night for E so that didn't get done either. I've been at loose ends with C out and not feeling great - the GERD contributes to my anxiety, which affects the GERD, which contributes... arrggh again. I am keeping up on the daily TT but forget the novel - think I read a chapter y'day - and keeping up on the OT daily reading but not the NT.

Monday, January 16, 2006

1/13 - 1/16

Progressing very slowly through Math. I despair of J ever being fluent with his facts. E says it's too hard but seem insincere. I think she just doesn't like it.

The Bible reading is going very well. I think they will have the Beatitudes memorized soon.

New read-aloud for history is The Monk Who Shook the World (Martin Luther). New "fun" book is The Garden Behind the Moon by Howard Pyle.

My own reading is dismal. The Daughter of Time goes slowly. Bible study starts tomorrow so all my time will be tied up in that now. Trying to keep up w/TableTalk and doing OK with that, mostly, but not with the Bible-in-a-year reading.

Otherwise, checklists are up to date and working well.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

1/11 - 1/12

Reading is going so well. It seems like not so long ago I was so worried. J still misses so many little words like a, the, and... Don't know if that will ever get better. He also makes subtitutes so the sentence makes sense. Usually it works out OK, but sometimes missing or otherwise messing around with those little words can make a big change in the sentence meaning. But he is coming along pretty well.

They are both loving reading the Bible! We have been on the Sermon on the Mount and reading just a few beatitudes each day, and discussing them. I am hoping they can memorize that section of the Bible and recite to C. Also Psalm 33 has captured them and they fight over who will read next!

For our history reading, and pleasure reading too, we have The Monk Who Shook the World - Martin Luther by Cyril Davey. Great book.

For science we are reading about the Periodic Table, elements, etc. Have not done but one science experiment but we have the book so will do more next week. Picked up several chemistry "browsing books" from the library which J will surely get into.

My own reading... 2 more chapters of Daughter of Time. Maybe I just don't like this book. There are some comments there about the martyrdom of the Scottish Covanenters tht are bothering me - basically saying that no such martyrs exist. So something else to research.

Have not picked up The Genesis Question in ages.

Keeping up with the TableTalk readings but not the Bible in a year readings. Just about 1 day behind.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

1/6 - 1/10

Checklists are working well. Reading is going well too. Both kids read every night and are reading their ESV Bibles (not dumbed down).

J read George the Drummer Boy by N. Benchley and not only enjoyed it, but got it.

Handwriting is not going too well; moved copywork or "other writing" to a daily task. J is having trouble writing his own name w/out a mistake!

My own reading is not going well either. Bible Study starts next week. Have gotten a little further in The Daughter of Time but so slowly that I am forgetting characters. Stopped completely on Genesis question. One day behind on Tabletalk/Bible. Ah well. Blogging a lot.

Today we saw the play Charlotte's Web. Very well done, all enjoyed it. Wrecked our school day, though.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

1/4 and 1/5

So easy to get behind. The checklists are still working. Kids are still reading in bed in am and pm when they get to bed early enough.

J is still working on "classic starts" Robin Hood. Not sure what E is reading. She seems to be like me - dipping in and out of things, never finishing. Maybe she finished Absolutely Lucy.

My reading is not going so well. Had kept up w/Table Talk and daily Bible till today. Woke up to dirty dishes all over the kitchen so that took over my morning. Read another few pages of Daughter of Time. It is a good book, and not as hard to follow as I recall. Still, it would be better to be able to just sit down and read for 1/2 an hour.

Must get to bed earlier each night as 6:30 comes way too early. Also must get to exercising again as weight is bad.

We finished Heidi today. They loved it, of course.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

1/3 Tuesday

The checklists seem to be working pretty well, but who am I kidding - it's only day 2. But we had a good and long day today, and did everything on the list, plus read about 60 pages of Heidi. Actually I thought we would finish it today. Tomorrow, most likely. I've noticed that since the kids are reading now and want to read in bed at night, we aren't doing any bedtime reading aloud. Guess that was bound to happen.

J didn't do any "formal" reading aloud to me but he read part of Matthew 2, and his math warmups and math detective, and the maps charts and graphs. He is reading Robin Hood, a version by "classic starts."

E is reading The Secret Garden, also by "classic starts."

My reading is going OK. Managed the Tabletalk reading and Bible in a year reading, and did most of lesson one in Pursuit of Holiness. Read only a few pages in Daughter of Time.

Monday, January 02, 2006

New Year, New Methods

Today we started up again, with another new routine. Maybe this one will stick. Maybe not. The good part is that the kids can see each day what they need to do, and maybe take more responsibility for it, and for keeping track of it. I hope to get out of the need to track everything here daily, but use this venue to record more general comments. And the reading.

We're now on a 4-day week, mostly. I do want to keep Friday free, and maybe having that will help everyone keep on track the other 4 days. So:

1. Every Day
Chores (some tbd, but clearing table, making bed, keeping room clean etc)
Christian Almanac/Artists calendar/composer birthdays
Maps Charts and Graphs for J, other puzzle book for E

2. M/T/W/Th
Math U See, Math Detective, Math Daily Warmups
Reading Aloud
Greek/Latin Words
Silent Reading

3. M/W
Explode the Code
Editor in Chief

4. T/Th
Spelling Test
Spectrum Test Prep

The other part of this - each item has a line for the child to fill in something about what they did. So, for today's history, they wrote "Cortes." For catechism: "Q. 98." Etc. I can create a binder for this and there are my records.

Can I keep it up?

Now, I do want to keep track of reading, theirs and mine. So:

J: The Case of the Missing Monkey - C Rylant
Parts of Matthew 1
Maps Charts and Graphs lesson 8
Math Warmups

E: Henry and Mudge and the Snowman Contest
Parts of Matthew 1

M: Matthew 1 and 2
Genesis 1 - 5
few pages of Daughter of Time
Tabletalk for today
Part of Chapter 1 of Pursuit of Holiness