Friday, August 10, 2007

Fidelia is here!

The new doll arrived yesterday. She arrived in the middle of a rush, so we had to bring her box into the house and then leave for a few hours. E was so excited but didn't complain about having to leave - she had been waiting what seemed like a long time for her doll. When we got home, of course she opened the box up right away. She was very excited but also I think a little sad that she has no girlfriends here yet, to show her doll off to...

This is one beautiful doll. Very well made, and just lovely to look at. Her clothes are so nice, too. I know any I make will just look shoddy in comparison. (But she will like them anyway!)

I am not sure if Fidelia will always be her name. She was chosen because she looks most like E's Bitty Baby, Sarah, so she is the big sister. So far Sarah is still sleeping with her little mama, while the big sister sleeps nearby.

Now I need to find my sewing machine and fabric and get to work on some other clothes!

Fidelia came from Everything we have ever purchased from them has been very high quality, so I shouldn't be surprised that Fidelia is too.

1 comment:

kerri @ gladoil said...

We have a few American Girl dolls and my girls play with them all the time. I would rather have the Vision Forum ones, but buying the dolls (and subsequent accessories)is Grandma's domain.

They love it when I give them scraps of fabric and they make outfits for them. Of course they are rather primitive but they don't seem to mind. Which is good because I do not have time to sew dolly clothes. :)