Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Top Ten Tuesday: friendly blogs

There are a lot of blogs in my reader.  The ones listed on my sidebar are not all the blogs I read.  (I'm not very good at updating things around here.)  Some I read for news, some for political commentary, some for helpful advice.  And others I read because they just seem friendly: I'd like to meet and hang out with these bloggers.   Wait!  I have met and hung out with a couple of these bloggers!   I am not good at blog awards and such; if I was these women would get awards from me. 

1.  Cup of Grace.  Kerri is an artist and the mother of a wonderful (and large) family.  I love her ponderings.

2.  Wayside Sacraments. Leslie always has gorgeous pictures, and she knits dishcloths (and other things). 

3.  Dishpan Dribble and Blueberry House.  Mrs. Darling is the busiest person I know. 

4.  Falling Like Rain and  Pencil on Paper.  Sandy always has good things to say about homeschooling and life.

5.  Explorations in Learning.  G has great ideas for homeschooling her young kids.

6. Smallworld at Home and Smallworld Reads.  I've been reading Sarah's blog for a long time.  Love her book reviews. 

7. LLR Homeschool Mom. A new find; I just enjoy reading her blog.

8.  Barbara Frank.  A veteran homeschool mom who shares her knowledge freely.

9. Free to Learn an Lovin It.  Rana always has good things to say and does such fun things with her kids.

10. A Slob Comes Clean.  I can so relate.

Some days I haven't the time to click out of the reader to go to the actual site.  But I read every post.  I also don't follow all these blogs - I've stopped hitting the "follow" button because whether I follow or not, they are still available for my reading pleasure.  I admit I don't exactly get the purpose of the "following" thing so if someone wants to enlighten me, please do.  And honestly, if I find I need to remove a blog from the reader, it's twice the work because I also have to stop following.  Plus I've read that it hurts people's feelings when they lose followers and who wants to do that? 

I should stop by with comments more often. Someone told me she doesn't like to comment too often lest she appear to be a stalker.  Hey, who doesn't like comments?

See more  Top Ten Tuesday at Oh Amanda.


Maria said...

hahahahaha! Love this blog and the many, many others I have read by following your sidebar links :)

wdworkman said...

Thanks - most of these blogs are new to me. Now I know how I'll be wasting my 2 hours of me time today. (The kids have music lessons.)
Janet W

Melissa said...

Ooohhh...lots of homeschooling blogs! I'll have to check them out since I'm new to homeschooling my children. These sounds great! I'll have to check them out.

And, personally, I think the "follow" button is just to be able to add a number to the followers list so it looks cools. 200 followers looks better than 5. It makes the blogger seem like they are a lot more interesting than the one with 5 "official" readers. Bah!! :o)

Nony the Slob said...

Thanks for listing me in your friendly blogs. Isn't it amazing how this internet thingy lets you feel like you have friends all over?

And I also don't get the follow thing. I rarely follow a blog, but love to bookmark them and check them regularly.

Nony the Slob said...

Thanks for listing me in your friendly blogs. Isn't it amazing how this internet thingy lets you feel like you have friends all over?

And I also don't get the follow thing. I rarely follow a blog, but love to bookmark them and check them regularly.

Leslie said...

Thanks for including me! I enjoy your blog a lot and you have listed some new-to-me blogs that I will enjoy checking out.

I don't follow either. I prefer Google Reader. I like meeting new people and the blog community is such a sweet and friendly place. I always reciprocate to comments and have enjoyed getting to know women this way.

My blog list is in serious need of updating soon.

G said...

Aaahhh, thanks! I like reading your blog too, but am not always good at leaving comments!